10 January 2008

an invitation...

Come, come like the sunrise
After still one more sleepless night;
Leaving dark behind, an old day dies
Say, "Goodbye," to yesterday, welcoming new light.

Come, come like the sunset
After still one more hectic day;
Leave today behind, look forward to the rest
Welcome in the night, this day fades away.

Come, come like the rain
After still one more arid drought;
Leave the desert in the past and its thirsty pain
Welcome in the quenching water that I am dead without.

Come, come like the breeze
Under still one more blazing sun;
Leave the heat behind for the shelter of the trees
Welcome in the cool reprieve, my worries come undone.

Come, come like the mountains
After still one more desolate valley;
Leave the valley far behind, and all its desperations
Welcome in this view, my heart to rally.

Come, come like warm fire
After still one more rush of cold;
Leave the frozen world outside and all its billion liars
Welcome in the warmth to the places life has dulled.

Come, come like new grace
After still one more angry word;
Leave the hurt behind and its sour taste
Welcome in forgiveness, the bitterness interred.

Come, come like a prayer
Uttered in dark corners of a broken heart;
Leaving volatility behind and breathing in fresh air
Usher in this power while my fragile strength departs.

Come, come like the Day of Pentecost
In holy flames of love poured out
Leave everything behind me, count it all as lost.
Welcome in this sacred romance, faith to cure my doubt.

1 comment:

so i go said...

loved this.. especially these two..

"Leave the frozen world outside and all its billion liars"

"Leave the desert in the past and its thirsty pain"

great imagery, CJ. you're quite the poet.

peace, Jeff