02 June 2008

coming soon ...

I've been struggling a bit lately with this thought that I don't really have anything worth saying / writing. Especially in a blog that's public and permanent.

With that said, however, I do have some works in progress for the blog. I'd like to get back to posting regularly and hopefully someday soon I will be able to do that. I miss blogging, not just so that someone will read it, but for myself and for the processing that occurs within me when I write. (No, I have not even journaled lately and it's kinda scary to me that I haven't even done that.) I am computer-less right now, except at work and I don't like using that to post here, which probably has something to do with my lack of updates as of late. Anyone want to donate to the laptop fund? :-)

Stay tuned anyhow (if you still read this) for a new post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you.
You are wonderfully and
fearfully made, unique
and special.

What you have to say is
important, even though
you doubt it.